Open Source Projects

Below you will find summaries of all of my open source projects. Each project is fully documented for your usage. You can filter projects by type to help find what you're looking for. Please don't hesitate to ask me any questions via Github tickets.


PHP class

A PHP class intended for website crawling and screen scraping. It handles requests in parallel using a modified and wrapped version of Josh Fraser's Rolling Curl library which utilizes curl_multi() functions in an efficient manner. Caterpillar processes each request as soon as it has completed. It also implements a queue for lining up future crawler requests and ensuring that the number of links being crawled at any given time is as close to the max as possible.

JinX the JavaScript Includer

Wordpress plugin

JinX adds a metabox to your pages and posts allowing you to insert inline JavaScript into your content without the need for escaping. You can also add JavaScript includes. The other benefit of JinX is it's usage of a simple textarea plugin that allows for you to indent your code. Lastly, JinX can be enabled/disabled for specific user roles to ensure you maintain security on your blog where guest authors are allowed.

Double Rainbow Plugin

jQuery plugin

Double Rainbow is a proof of concept plugin that is mouse-aware. It tracks your mouses position relative to a target element and subsequently changes the target elements background color based on your distance from the element. It is intended to be used to increase performance of call-to-action buttons on a page.

Form Element Repeater

jQuery plugin

The form element repeater plugin was built to simplify the process of adding repeatable form elements or groups of form elements to your website forms. In other words, taking the technical aspects out of adding/deleting/managing a grouping of items such as any number of addresses, multiple phone numbers, tagging, categorizing, or any one-to-many relationship you may have.

Lightweight Lightbox

jQuery plugin

The lightweight lightbox was built out of the necessity for a simple lightbox plugin without the bloat. It doesn't do anything fancy and it's intended purpose is for loading content areas that likely already exist on the page in a hidden state.

Pinterest Keyword Removal Tool

jQuery bookmarklet

A proof of concept plugin that gives the user the ability to specify a set of keywords that they do not wish to appear on a Pinterest page. The plugin will auto-remove pins as they are loaded if a matching keyword is found.

Readable Article Plugin

jQuery plugin

The readable article plugin is an attempt to create an embeddable script that will allow users to remove all of the fluff from a blog and simply display the blog post or article in it's truest and most readable form.

Salid the Simple Form Validator

jQuery plugin

Salid is a jQuery plugin developed out of a necessity for a lightweight frontend form validation plugin. Many options existed such as the popular jQuery Validation plugin, but they were far too bulky in size. The goals of Salid were to reduce filesize without sacrificing functionality or built-in validation functions.


jQuery plugin

TextCounter simply allows you to track the text length of a textarea, input, or contentEditable region. You can optionally track the number of words entered in addition to being able to specify a target element to display the current count.

Markov Machine

PHP library

The intersection of a Markov Chain implementation and a Machine learning library which aims to re-create text in a human readable format based on previously computed probabilities of upcoming word strings.

Me Likey

Wordpress plugin

One of the original Facebook Open Graph plugins for Wordpress, enabling you to easily include a like button on your blog. Supports many customizable options.

Mongo Session

PHP class

A highly configurable PHP session handler utilizing MongoDB. It takes steps to implement a locking mechanism to avoid race conditions that may occur during simultaneous AJAX requests; a common pitfall for most PHP session handlers.


PHP class



Wordpress plugin

A Wordpress plugin built around the Seatgeek API for allowing website owners to make money off of the Seatgeek affiliate program. It allows for searching, displaying, and selling of event tickets. A perfect way to monetize your event related blog (sports, musicals, concerts, broadway, etc).


PHP library

An open source solution for personally tracking any number of sites keyword performance on Google. SERP stands for Search Engine Results Page. It utilizes a combination of the Search API as well as the Google Analytics API for determining new keywords your site has ranked for and tracking changes nightly.

SimpleSql PHP PDO

PHP Class

A Composer/Packagist supported PDO library for simplifying your queries using best practices. It takes some of the pain and gotchas out of PDO usage by automatically handling the closing of connections.

SPF30 Spam Prevention

PHP class

SPF30 is a PHP library which utilizes a number of recommended spambot deterrents in an attempt to reduce form submission spam. It does not utilize any form of captcha. In addition to spam prevention methods, SPF30 also handles two-way encryption of form data to prevent your form content from being easily sniffed across the wire over HTTP.

Turntable.FM Squared

Google Chrome extension

This project has since become obsolete with a recent change to the Turntable.FM UI, which subsequently broke some of the UI hijacking.


PHP library

Watchdog is a PHP class implementing inotify which watches for changes to files in any given number of directories specified in the input. It will not recursively check directories, so you must implicitely specify each directory you want watched. Watchdog currently supports automatic compilation of Stylus, SASS, LESS, Jade, and HAML.